Friday, April 25, 2008


ロジスティクス* -- interestingly, the original Japanese word, 兵站学 (へいたんがく), is the kanji for "army," "halt," and "learning." The middle one isn't general use. Maybe that is why they use English now? I sort of wonder how the change comes about.

logistics: the aspect of military science dealing with the procurement, maintenance, and transportation of military matériel, facilities, and personnel; the handling of the details of an operation

From those kanji, I wonder if they use it for the second meaning or not. Or maybe the English word is used exclusively for the second meaning? Now I'm sort of curious...

Ah well. The point is...this is going to be one of those posts that falls under the logistics category. I will point out features of the blog! Hurrah!

Not like it's so different from other blogs.

"Study Buddies" are websites you should go to. "Break it down" is going to be my attempt at tagging this thing. Tagging is not my strength. I'm going to try not to add too many more categories besides what is there.

logistics - Stuff like this.
grammar - Concerned with...grammar. Like sentence patterns and things.
vocab - Probably a list of words.
shopping - Stores to buy things from, things I've bought, books, etc.

Possible future tags include: audio, video, translation, ...Japanese?

Who knows? the limit!

*Note the cheap cop-out involved in translating the titles of entries. This is a devious loop-hole for rule one. Of course, now that we recognize it as such we'll have to make sure it isn't abused.

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