Sunday, January 18, 2009

How to not suck #42: Go to grad school in Japan

That's my plan, anyhow, if I can afford it. I've been looking at the interpretation program at Daito Bunka University quite seriously, talking with the guy who runs it, etc. Money is the only obstacle. They said I could be on campus as early as THIS April (barring, you know, being a fucking poor person ;D)

Anyways, I'm back in this thing for real now. The deluge of work won't end, but I've decided neither will my BURNING DESIRE for Japanese fluency. It's a face-off, for sure.

Been looking around for study buddies again. Actaully, I'm in a café right now waiting for one. I arrived obscenely early, as usual.

Also, HOLY CRAP it's SO MUCH EASIER to type in Japanese on a Mac than on a PC. It just works, all the time, without any weird button pressing. I canceled the "spotlight" shortcut in favor of a input language shortcut, which is pretty great.

1 comment:

Anamae said...

On my search to find blogs similar to mine, I stumbled upon yours.

I definitely can't afford to go to grad school in Japan. So my plan of not suckage is to work there for a few years sometime after graduation.

As for typing in japanese with a mac, I soo agree! The kanji function is heaven and you can just crtl+shift+; your way to romanji again.