Sunday, October 18, 2009

Smarter fm

So I've begun using the quiz feature and it seems pretty effective. Of course, you will still have to practice writing on your own, but for recognition and comprehension, these flashcards (like many others, but these won't get lost or have coffee spilled on them) are a good bet.

I made a very brief foray into my Twitter list last night (ツイッターの単語)and the accompanying list for words that are not necessarily considered "Twitter specific" (by me; JP Twitter non-essentials).

Since I've been fooling around with this so much I haven't had as much time for Kumon or audio or grammar or anything, really, but I've made tiny progress in those areas as well. Hopefully some more later today...

Had the exciting realization yesterday that if writing can be a side project, then so can translating. I don't have to give up on that goal just because I have a full-time job. I've been getting pretty interested in the publisher Haikasoru (under the Viz umbrella) after finishing Housuke Nojiri's Usurper of the Sun, and I feel like translating could also be a way to pick up some vocab if I pair it with

I may also start to do some English --> Japanese translation at work, but have it approved by someone more fluent. And I'm also learning some more skills so I can be of further use to the Japanese contract team. Glad I get to expand in these ways, but I'm hoping I can learn at a pace fast enough to really be super useful.

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